Friday, April 12, 2013

Being bitter doesn't make you better!

There is Nothing like a little game of Bullshit.

Bullshit is card game about lying and deception just as much as it is about cunning and skill. The object of a game of Bullshit is to get rid of all your cards before anyone else. This is done in a relatively orderly fashion, but the best thing is that all cards are face down and a player can lie their head off about what they put on the table. The only way this can catch up with a player is if someone calls their bluff.

I love to play bullshit. There is something about sitting around the table with your friends and family and calling them out... not to mention hearing your grandma yell BULLSHIT is pretty much priceless.

Well let's pretend we are playing a game of Bullshit. But before we even start let me ask you a few questions?!?

How many times do you find yourself on facebook throughout the day?

When is the last time you gave someone a compliment?

When is the last time you "liked" someone's picture?

How many comments have you read- smiled- and continued scrolling?

How many times have you seen a birthday update- and simply ignored it and did not send a birthday wish?

How many times did you see something great going on in SOMEONE else's life but you just ignored it?

How many times have you click on someone's picture- observed everything about the picture but instead of "liking it" or "commenting on it" you simply clicked out.

If you can tell me at least one of these questions do not relate to you... I have one word for you... BULLSHIT!

Why I am calling your bluff? Because we all have done it, still do it, and will continue to do it. But why?? Why do we do this? Why don't we take that time to send that simple little birthday wish? Why don't we take the time to "like" a status? Why don't we take the time to leave a comment on someone's picture?

After all on facebook all these people are considered "friends" right? So what does it come down to?!? Jealousy? Your 2 busy? You don't want to get all the other comment updates? I am sure I can think of 100 other reasons but truth is- If you have the time to be on FB you have the time to simply click the "like button".

But instead of calling your bluff... hell I am going to call mine as well. I have been this girl. I have ignored that birthday wish- I have looked at that picture and did not say a damn word- and I have not acknowledged someone's accomplishment. And where has this got me... no where really. I mean who really knows? Half the time I am alone when I am looking at fb anyway. So what's the big deal?

Well to me it is a very big deal. I like to get compliments. Who doesn't like to be called pretty? Who doesn't like to be told Great job!! Who doesn't like to get a birthday wish from an old friend?

Overall, it really comes down to ourselves. But this has been added to my list of things I will work on.  Not because I feel like it will make me "LOOK" better. Simply because I want to be the girl that can give a compliment just as easy as I can take a compliment. :)

Final words-



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