Friday, April 5, 2013

Think before you speak! :)

Learn to smile at every situation. See it as an opportunity to prove your strength and ability. ~Joe Brown

The quote above hit me hard this morning. For the past few months I have been fighting an ugly battle with the hair monster- and it has not been pretty. If there is one thing I am known for it would have to be my hair. I was introduced to a teasing brush a few years ago- and it has become my better half. I tease the hell out of hair all day every day. Some don't like big hair- I happen to LOVE big hair.

Well this stupid little monster decided to attack my Big Style Wedding hair at the end of last year. One word describes it all- Heartbroken. The right side of my hair started breaking off- or should I say more like chunking off. I was missing chunks of my hair and I was devastated. Luckily being I have mastered the teasing method I was able to fill in many of the empty spots- but it was not going to last for long.

Finally after gallons of coconut oil, bottles of leave in conditioner, and washing my hair in holy water (yes I went that far) I decided to take care of business. To Mastercuts I went- and so did my big hair! :( There was no miracle for my Big Style Wedding Hair and I left with a stylish cut above my shoulders.

It has been a couple days now and I am adjusting to my new short hairdo. Some days I love it and other days I pull on it. Overall, it is just going to take some teasing, hairspray, LOTS OF TIME, and a good attitude to adjust to this new hairdo.

Which brings me to the reason why I wrote this post. Having a new hairdo has introduced me to the everyone has an opinion club. Some love it and some well.... yeah they don't. I have been told- GOSH!!! Look how cute your hair is- to a silent reaction- to a straight up WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!?!! ( Well, I simply got in a fight with the hair monster bit*h and I will send him your way!!) Don't worry I said it in a friendly tone. ;)

*ANYWAYS*- Now that I have had my fair share of the "everyone has an opinion club" it has made me reflect on my own opinions- and how I chose to voice them. I am sure I am guilty of not making someone feel super fantastic about a recent change or situation they have encountered. And No I cannot fix what I may have said- but I can approach a situation better in the future.

In the end we need to remember- everyone is fighting their own monster. And sometimes the biggest monster is the negative person with the bad attitude. No one wants to make a change that does not better them- but sometimes temporary changes need to be made to get an even greater outcome!

This being said- I am not sure where the future of my Big Style Wedding hair will go- but I do know one thing- I will rock the hell out of this short cut and continue to send the hair monster to the negative people and their crappy attitudes!



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